Barnett Jessie
- Acting - Actor
- Script - Screen Writer
Special Skills
Jessie Barnett - Warman. I am 20 years of age. Height 5"3'. Weight- 116.I'm building my experience and resume. I have a drive and passion for acting. I channel characters through myself, when acting. I feel like I am the character. I show this in real time. As if I am living someone else's life through my acting abilities. I have a variety of looks. I am willing to do what it takes to look, feel, and/or be the part. From a young age I would put on shows for my parents, family and friends. I loved being watched as someone else in character. If I am to audition for a part/role, I know for a fact you will see the actress that I am. I am not afraid or shy in front of the camera nor on stage. When I get ready and prepare. The butterflies in my stomach are used to my advantage as a technique for power. This advantage gives my acting a %110 effort. Giving it my all without looking tense. In acting there has to be a balance of hard work and dedication, but also relaxation. So I promise to give you a outstanding performance without the up-tightness that can be shown in a actor if they allow the nerves to overcome them instead of using in the precise way for acting.
Union / Guild Affiliations
No Affiliations