Scott Russell
Independent Fight Choreographer
, Washington
CountyNorthwest Arkansas Region
Availability: Statewide
- Acting - Actor
- Acting - Choreographer
- Stunts - Coordinator
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Special Skills
Scott Russell is an advanced actor, fight choreographer, educator, and Associate Instructor with Dueling Arts International; he currently lives in both Fayetteville, AR and Indianapolis, IN.He is an Advanced Actor/Combatant with the Society of American Fight Directors and an Intermediate Actor/Combatant with Fight Directors Canada, the British Academy of Stage and Screen Combat, the Nordic Stage Fight Society, and the Society of Australian Fight Directors, Inc. Choregraphing in: Unarmed/Found ObjectSword and ShieldBroadswordSword and BucklerRapier/DaggerSingle RapierHollywood SwashbucklingSmallswordQuarterstaffWestern and Filipino Knife
Websites and Social Networks
Union / Guild Affiliations
Actors' Equity Association (AEA)